Hi This is

Mathaba Ismail

Web Developer,Data and System analyzer


I am a developer who is interested in data science, nature 🌿, art 🎨, books 📚 and cats 🐈🐈 lover

  • Name Mathaba Ismail
  • Age 30 Years
  • Experience 7 Years
  • Country Sudan
  • Location Khartoum
  • e-mail mathaba1919@gmail.com
  • Phone + (249) 920 840 151
  • Freelance Available
Download Resume Contact Me

What I do

Web Development

I can bulid reponsive web pages using .net, php and java script

system analysis

Get a profisinal UML analysis to help in improving your old system or buliding your new system

Data analysis and Modeling

Help you to get a better look on your data using Machine learnig algrithims


On web development hosting and data anlysis and system analysis

  • Education

  • Master's University of Khartoum

    2018 - 2019

    Master's of Business Intelligence, University of Khartoum, College of mathematical studies

  • Bsc Sudan University of Science & Information Technology

    2010 - 2014

    B.Sc.( HONOURS) in Computer & Information Systems, Sudan University of Science & Information Technology, with Second-class- Division One

  • Experience

  • System developer and analizer

    Oct 2018 - Present

    Albaraka Bank Sudan

  • Teaching Assistant

    Oct 2017 - Oct 2018

    Collage of computer studies, University of Garden City

  • Teaching Assistant

    Nov 2015 - Oct 2017

    College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum

My Works

Free Web Hosting